Request Faucet Funds

Effortlessly obtain SOL from the Solana faucet for development and testing purposes on devnet or testnet environments using the FaucetManager class.

Code Breakdown

1. Request SOL Airdrop

Send an airdrop request to the Solana faucet for a specified wallet:


response = await agent.connection.request_airdrop(  
    agent.wallet_address, 5 * LAMPORTS_PER_SOL  
  • Amount: 5 SOL (adjustable).

  • Network: Devnet/Testnet only.

2. Confirm Transaction

Once the faucet provides SOL, confirm the transaction to ensure successful completion:


latest_blockhash = await agent.connection.get_latest_blockhash()  
await agent.connection.confirm_transaction(  

3. Error Handling

Capture and handle potential errors during the airdrop process:


except KeyError:  
    raise Exception("Airdrop response did not contain a transaction signature.")  
except RPCException as e:  
    raise Exception(f"Faucet request failed: {str(e)}")  
except Exception as e:  
    raise Exception(f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")  

Key Features

  1. Development-Only

    • Designed specifically for Solana’s devnet/testnet environments.

  2. Quick SOL Access

    • Instantly funds wallets with 5 SOL for development and testing purposes.

  3. Error Resilience

    • Handles missing transaction signatures, RPC issues, and unexpected errors gracefully.

  4. Transaction Confirmation

    • Ensures that funds are credited by confirming the transaction after the request.

Last updated